
The Range of Emotions...

The one thing I Love and Hate about being a woman!

I love to be able to express how I really feel to someone in a time of love, Joy, and excitement....


I hate the fact that when life is changing so fast emotions seem to fly all over the place never knowing where they will land and what it will affect. I am so so so so so HAPPY that the wonderful Lord God created me and knows every move, thought, and word that is going to happen before it does! I'm happy because He knows how I operate and what buttons to press so that I don't die! Because if it was up to me... I probably never would have made it out of the womb :-)

So can you tell that leaving this country is getting closer and closer... yeah. Joe and I are beginning to find a place to call home in Costa Rica for a year... the homes are SO different... lots of adapting... BUT they are beautiful, WARM, and exciting....


Heather Dowling said...

Oooo...I love your new background.

We get to see you in TWO days!

Diana said...

Love the picture! Wish we could take a break from our busy lives and sit there with a real lemonade and just talk! We are praying for you everyday. Have a wonderful time with your family!