
Only Two...

So here we are in Costa Rica this is our second full day and we have had two visitors! Yes that is right ONLY two.... Two cockroaches that is. I am in shock and awe of how good my God is. Cause I didn't freak out as bad as I thought I was going to.
The first one was on our curtain above my head that my new wonderful friend Heather pointed out to me. I walked quickly forward THEN turned around to look. And it really wasn't that big. Maybe an inch and a half or two. :-) So Joe comes walking out of the bedroom with our little vacuum and sucks the thing up. The lady that we were renting from was in our home with her granddaughter talking with us. And as soon as Joe sucked the thing up she yells and claps her hands... Superman, Superman, Superman! It was so funny.
Then second one decided that it wanted to sit in the living room with Joe and I and watch TV! Of course "superman" did it again and squashed the thing!
So we have been told that they don't come around much... so we will see

Other then that, we have had a good time. It has been a little hard to adjust for me because of missing all of my wonderful friends and family. But God is good! We went shopping yesterday to a place called Hipermas! It was WALMART in disguise. :-) I was so happy. Walmart actually owns the store so it looked just like it! I could find LOTS there.
So today we continue to set up our home and maybe go to a birthday party! :-)
More to come...


Heather Dowling said...

EWWWW! I hate bugs.

You know I won't let that "Superman" title go to shame even when he returns. You know that, don't you?

I'm dying to know how your first Sunday went. Call me!

Bethany said...

Horay!!!! You've arrived and....
faced the cockroaches already!

I am so happy that you are there and have begun the new chapter of being missionaries, after Pre-Field! Words on here can't express how excited I am and how thankful to God I am for the work he's completed this far!

Keep smashing those cockroaches...and, hmmm, I would say, yes they do come around quite often:)

