
More New Experiences...

Well Today was a good day. It started off by me getting out of bed at 7am.... yes 7am. It has been over a week now and my body has still not gotten use to this 2 hour change. But it did give me lots of time to do my devos, finish a load of laundry with my 20 step process, and get myself ready by 9 am to leave for the Farmer's Market.

Joe and I met up with some new friends and began our 8 block walk to the Market. It was great walking and getting to know these fellow students. When we arrived at the market I was impressed with how great a place it was. It had a park for the kids to play, a basketball court, soccer fields, and a fairly long spread of all the fruit and vegetables you and think of! Here's some pics...

I had a great time... In the sun. yeah, in the sun. Many times during this week and a half I forget that I am about 8 Degrees Latitude from the EQUATOR! So yes everyone.... I forgot to put sunblock on. AND because I had my purse wrapped around my shoulder, I now have a nice white strip among very red skin! Oh my. Well at least I got to enjoy some VERY fresh pineapple... I think it is becoming my favorite.

Joe and I came home after to see if we could get another load of laundry done before the rain came! The rainy season has begun and at about 1pm no later then 3pm the rain begins! And it is crazy! So we got it done just in time! After we decided to go to the small mall around here. And we ate at the most authentic Mexican restaurant that I have had so far! It was very good :-) And of course.... we couldn't go home without stopping at Hipermas first :-)


Heather Dowling said...

Oh, this looks so fun. I wish I could stroll through there with you. :)

- Sarah :-) said...

My husband and I are from MD. We haven't been married long, but we're loving it! In a few years we plan to move down south - this world is just to big to stay in one place the whole time, right?

Your story about the "forest of water" had me cracking up. But it sounds like things are going well.