
What a Great Weekend!

Well first of all let me tell you what a blessing it was to have the 4th of July off at school. It was a nice breather! That night Joe and I got to spend some great time with friends.... eating traditional 4th of July food and playing games. BUT the best part is that a homeless man came to the gate and Joe was able to share the Gospel with him. Hopefully the words will penetrate his drunkenness!

Saturday, Joe and I got to help out a youth group from the States with a family fun day in a poorer town! I passed out invitations to a movie that we were showing that night and an invitation to church the next day. I was able to talk in Spanish the whole time and show the love of Christ! While I passed out invitations and helped face paint children's faces... Joe walked with a group around the town passing out invites and sharing the Gospel! Later that day... Joe and another ABWE missionary were able to share the Gospel with 3 other men! 2 were far gone and drunk, but one of the men really stayed to listen. He understood everything Joe was saying and knew that he would have to change his lifestyle to believe in Christ! He is really struggling with an addiction to cocaine, and is unwilling to give up his life style... but yet wants so bad to be free of it! Please pray for Mauricio that his conviction and pain would be so strong that he would cry out for the LORD! We showed the movie Facing the Giants at night in the main square of town, and it not only touched those standing around... but also the church members! It was great. Throughout the day I was so amazed to see the Costa Rican church members really take charge in sharing the Gospel and bringing people in! The Costa Rican youth group even learned the Mime that the "gringo" youth were sharing with the town! They learned it in 3 hours!

Then Sunday in church... we had already begun our service and began to get discouraged as no one from yesterday's event was showing.... when half way through Sunday school... a family of 5 walked in the doors... 2 gentlemen walked in the doors... and a cousin of one of the members that they haven't seen in 30 years walked in the door! It was AMAZING! Then as the service began to start a lady with 3 children also walked in the door... I cried as I realized it was one of the ladies that I handed an invitation to the day before! All of them stayed through the whole thing and now they have meetings with church members and missionaries to hear more about the word of God! One family is even going to come to the Bible study that we are having on Wednesdays! PRAISE THE LORD! The Costa Rican teens then acted out the mime they had learned in 3 hours.... It was amazing to see them learn it and take control of it as their own!


1 comment:

Heather Dowling said...

Heidi this is so exciting! I'm so blessed to hear all the great things God is doing through you guys. I can't wait to see you next month! Love you!