

Well, since everybody else is doing it..... I like to follow I guess ;-)

1... Day until I get my stiches out from getting my wisdom teeth out. Finally!

2... The beautiful number of my family.... Mr. & Mrs. DePuy :-)

3... More weeks until my 3 year anniversary! To God be the glory!

4... More weeks from today until my last day of work! Well, in the workforce that is :-)

5... Months until (we are praying) Joe and I can be at 85% of our support, to attend out field-prep seminar.

6... The age Isaac with be this year. Joe's youngest brother. :-)

7... God's perfect number.

8... Months until Joe and I are hoping to go to Language School! In Costa Rica :-)

9... Days until Joe and I go on vacation! yeay :-) Were going to see a Sight & Sound Production... they are amazing!

10... Churches that Joe and I have visited, since the year started! 2 have committed to monthly support.

That was fun! Have a great day everybody :-)


Bethany said...

Hey girl,

Thanks for the comments you leave, I love getting comments:) I didn't know you had your teeth out, I was laughing because I can just picture you spilling that ginger ale and Joe chuckling and laughing and pointing at you, and then you saying "What? Why are you laughing?" Ha! Well I hope you are fully recovered by now!

Yes, the vacation was nice, and its nice to know I only have 2 more trimesters of school left! A lot of me still wants to leave in August, I've thought about that, but it seems God is saying the timing is just right in December. It will let me go home and spend Christmas with family, and then leave and arrive in Mexico by the beginning of the year, just as I arrived here. I CANNOT WAIT!!!! Every day I get more and more super excited, as I know you guys are as well. I am praying for you guys, once you hit the 50% mark its going to fly, keep trusting God and I know you'll be here and then Mexico before you realize it!

Miss you loads, I'll have a US number that will ring here soon (maybe today if I get it set up!) so I'll email it and you'll have to call me:)

Love you,


Heather Dowling said...

very fun! are you going to Elisha's shower?

Kat said...

I hope your plans for Mexico progress well for you...I have heard of those sight and sound things, they sound pretty cool!!