
Beautiful Dangerous Snow....

I have always grown to love snow itself, the cold not so much, but the snow, as it covers everything making it pure. It is just so beautiful.
But...... I realized as I woke up to many inches of snow quickly accumulating and a sheet of ice on bottom, that I no longer enjoy the freedom of "snow days"..... Work game as does life ..... No Matter What.
So, Joe and I plowed the streets as were everyone else, the snow is falling so fast that the plows can not plow quick enough. But Thankfully all is well, I am at work, and Joe is safely home.
Let the fun begin........

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter,
day and night will never cease." - Genesis 8:22


Kat said...

LOL!!! My nephew was driving in to my job with me, (his house,) and he says, "I wish when school got cancelled work got cancelled too." I said, "You and me both kid, you and me both!"

Heather Dowling said...

I hear ya. Took me over an 1 1/2 to get here this morning. Snow is pretty. Ice is scary.

Call me we've got to talk.

Heather Dowling said...

Well... I had to be the bearer of bad news but my supervisor just told me I can't have the 3rd off. So I guess we'll have to cancel our trip to North Carolina. Every day I get closer and closer to wondering why on earth I'm working here. UGH

Heather Dowling said...

Well... I suppose I could quit! Just kidding. I'm trying to see if I can take it off with no pay

Heather Dowling said...

No it won't hurt us any. The only reason I'm working right now is so I don't sit at home bored to death. We don't need it financially (right now- Praise God) so a day off without pay isn't going to kill me. I just don't know if they'll let me leave for a day!

Heather Dowling said...

I'm still working on getting it off. I'll let you know.

Would 7 or 8 Chrismtas night be too late?

Heather Dowling said...

I got an email back from my supervisor and she told me to go ahead! Yay!