
A Fullfillment in Fellowship and The Word

I just love Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I know that this may sound a little odd, but Joe and I go to two Bible Studies every week one Tuesday and one Wednesday, teaching the same things. It is hard to try to explain but there is something about Fellowship and learning the Word with others believers that is so fullfilling!!

I am again amazed by God and how he works just at the perfect timing...
Yesterday was just one of those days that the discontent of people was truly annoying and it was hard to continue loving them and being "good" to them. And then of course today I read......

" Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" Romans 12:21

God is such a good God.

Search my, O God, and know my heart today!
Try my, O Savior, know my thoughts I pray.
See if there be some wicked way in me;
Cleanse me from every sin, and set me free.


Heather Dowling said...

I'm planning something fun. Don't make any plans for Saturday Nov. 5

Anonymous said...

I get my backrounds from www.anti-ivy.com
You have to have some knowledge of HTML to get them to work with Blogger since they aren't designed for it. The template code has to be modified quite a bit.

Heather Dowling said...

Email me your address so I can send you the invitation for Nov. 5th