
The Struggles of Life...

What looks like just an accident
When viewed through human eyes,
Is really God at work in us -
His blessing in disguise.

Oh how true this is... There are so many times that life seems so trival and has no eternal purpose... but as Joseph so clearly shows us in Genesis 50... "what you meant for evil, God meant for good" Oh how great God is that everything in life has eternal value!!!


Heather Dowling said...

We'll never understand God's infinite wisdom. I rest in this:

"The very hand that shields your eyes from understanding is the hand that will be holding you for miles."

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words. It's hard to see myself as an encouragement when I'm still figuring all this wife/mom stuff out!
To answer your question about links, go to this page -
It will answer your question better than I can!

Heather Dowling said...

Something isn't working correctly with my blog so I apologize if you can't get into it. I'm working on it.