
The Migrane Begins...

I didn't realize that after a hectic weekend, full of ministry and fun, that one could recieve such a migrane. But I had it coming... This weekend was amazing, as it was our sending church's missions conference. On Friday I worked from 8am to 4:30 and then headed to teach a children's program at 7pm at church until about 8:30pm. Then Saturday morning Joe and I headed to church around 8:30am and were there until 9:30pm. In the morning I did a 3 hour program with the kids and then in the afternoon we had a meeting and then at night we had an international dinner with the church. My heart is so full when ministry is in progress. Many times I feel as though I would be absolutely content in Church functions, outreaches, and Missions everyday and in every moment of that day.
Of course then there was church this morning and then I did a children's program this evening. So as I say the migrane has begun, so the IBprophane and sleep begins to invade my night until work comes knocking at the door tomorrow!

What a Mighty God we Serve!


Anonymous said...

No competition, just a little healthy bragging about our hubbys!

I hate migranes! But they do have a way of shutting us down so our bodies can get the rest they need. I had one on EAster Sunday when I was cooking for my in-laws. It was rough!

Heather Dowling said...

I know you know I have complete sympathy for migrane sufferers since this chick gets them at least twice a week. You're schedule made MY head spin. Can't wait to see you again.