
My thought for the season...

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I begin to think about all the million and two things that I am so thankful for. But it's funny how all the other doubts, sadness, and fears follow with that. So I have decided to take Colossians 2: 6-7 as my passage for this week, and what I will focus on what to be thankful for.
Do you remember the first time you were saved? The feeling of release, pain, guilt, and joy....
the feeling of...Thankfullness? Let us not forget the day we were saved, the day the Holy Spirit made real to us the beating and death Christ endured for our sake!
Oh thank you God for sending your son. And let me not forget to share with those my joy and thankfulness, let me not forget to proclaim you and give a chance for others to realize there thankfulness for what you have done for them!

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7


Kat said...

That's awesome, made me tear up a little!!!

Heather Dowling said...

I believe I have the most wonderful big sister in the whole wide world.

Fudge sounds GREAT! I think mom said she was getting rolls. You can use my pumpkin if you need to.

I was going to make Grandma's cheeseball and buy some eggnog and cider. What veggies are you wanting?

Heather Dowling said...

Whatever you think is fine with me. Did you talk to Joe yet to see what time on Wed. you're coming?

Heather Dowling said...

Sounds good to me. If anything else comes to my mind I'll give you a call or you think of anything, just pick it up I guess. So you would get to Watertown around 4pm right? They're talking of closing the office early wed. so that would be much fun.

Heather Dowling said...

As soon as they let me know what time we close on Wednesday... I'll let you know. Sorry about the christmas present thing with the kids:)

Heather Dowling said...

Do they have just movies at the place you go through?

Heather Dowling said...

Would they possibly have like the season 2-4 over the show 24