
Quality Time with Family.... And Doubts that Follow!

"You shall have no other gods before ME!" Exocus 20:3

My weekend was filled with nice refreashing moments of family time. Friday my Mother-in-law and I went and began our wonderful adventure of Christmas Shopping. Can I just say how good God is that He has brought my mother-in-law and I together so well! She is a blessing and a joy to spend time with.
Then Saturday I spent most of the night with my brother-in-law Isaac. We ate chinese, drove fancy wegmans car karts, and ran aroung the church cleaning up after a wedding.

Needless to say all these things began my thoughts and doubts of Joe's and my future together. Someday, no so far away, I will be living in another country, where the comforts of home and family will be no longer, (until furlough 4 years later). And I will begin developing different family relationships in that country.....

Oh Lord help me, as family and comfort begins tearing me from my calling. Help me to be focused on You and You alone!

"God must rule our hearts if our feet are to walk His way."


Heather Dowling said...


Glad to hear your weekend was fun. Am I sensing a little second-thoughts on Mexico???

Heather Dowling said...

Where do you get your templates?

Kat said...

I LOVE YOU TOO!!! There just had to add that, lol!!! You are so blessed to have a wonderful mother-in-law....I wasn't until recently...thank God he changes hearts!!! Anyhoo, you will be amazed at how fast your time in Mexico will fly!!! Plus I will pray for God to send you a very special friend to help you endure!!!

Heather Dowling said...

Yes, I spoke with mom a little bit last night. The Dowlings are having their thanksgiving at 6pm thanksgiving day. Dad is going to be coming home on thanksgiving day now, so we're trying to figure out times and where to have our thankgiving...

If you can after your bible study- call me- i really need to talk to you about something going on. Love you... miss you!

Heather Dowling said...

Thanks for your encouragement. I love you!!!