
The Refining of My Soul....

I hate the days that everything in the world goes wrong, just so that we can be tested. I mean I thought sitting in a hard metal/wooden chair to take a multiple choice test that I didn't study for was hard. Yeah, I see it differently now. I would much rather take multiple choice tests that the ones life gives us.
The blessings and rewards that flow when you know that you have obeyed, is one of the most amazing moments ever! :-)
Yeah so I had a hard day yesterday, but to GOD be the glory......
"We all, ... beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image" - 2 Corinthians 3:18
Difficulties of life are to make us better... not bitter


Heather Dowling said...

I like the last line of your post.

What test did you take?

Kat said...

Your new layout is really cool, I like it a lot. I feel the same way you do with the testing...high school and college seemed tough and then lookout here comes life;)

Heather Dowling said...

Shoot me an email on what's going on.:)

Bethany said...

Hey Heidi, thanks for the comment, I am so glad for these things so we can all keep in touch. I hear on the life tests, God has really been giving me one after another, for which I am so thankful, because I can see how he is molding and changing me here. Costa Rica is hot and amazing, and language school seems to be picking up more and more each day, as far as how challenging it is. You guys will love it here, I can't wait to see you either here or in Mexico.

Lots of love and you can be assured your prayer card is hanging on my little Costa Rican wall and that I am praying for you both when I see it, every day. I miss you and love you loads!