
Monday, Sept 25th 2007

Well unfortunately my stomach ache did not go away. I was able to sleep well but when I woke up in the morning... ugh! It ached and ached! I really didn't want to eat anything, but I did have yogurt and beans and it seemed to help. Joe and I were able to go on the beach today! It was so much fun. We stood on the beach trying to find good shells and we kept getting knocked over by the waves! Oh it was so funny to watch. We were out there with Antonio & Diana and at one point I was trying to help Diana get up and the waves kept pushing me down and pushed me right on top of Diana. We lost it and could not stop laughing about it for the rest of the day! For lunch we are at the Restaurant that over looked the beach. It was beautiful! Then for this night we headed to the theater room and watched the Mexican show! It was so incredible watching them dance, sing, and play instruments! Besides the tummy ache... what a great day!

Here are some pics of the show...

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