Things I Hate....
Not having time to post anything... EVER!
Rescheduling a Doctors appointment that is much needed
Not getting pregnant....
Yeah I better stop now or I could go on FOREVER! God is good no matter what. I love Him! :-)
But on the up side. Nothing really is new. I'm still working at Faith Heritage School, planning group get together's at church, teaching Sun School at church, and teaching Sun night olympians at church, planning and going to youth events, at the same time as planning and attending pre-field visits. Yeah it's crazy. But praise the Lord, He is teaching me to let things go. I have let go planning the Ladies Ensemble at church and soon hopefully, letting go teaching and planning Sun School and stick to Sun night Olympians only :-)
And I am really excited about the Holidays..... OF COURSE :-)
Such a Busy Time of Year.....
Wow it has almost been like a month since I have written. Where does the time go? I never knew life could get so packed. But I am enjoying so much. :-) I am currently working at the High School I graduated from. It is GREAT! Busy but great. I love the fall season and the smell of "school". Yeah so I was the geek who loved when school started but never told anyone, valuing my life ;-) Also, I am teaching a Sunday School class at church , and teaching Olympians at church. When Joe and I are not on the road somewhere visiting a church! I love serving the Lord, He is such an awesome GOD!!!! :-)
Football Season Begins....
That's right..... it's football time. Well at least for my husband. I am at 10:45pm on a Sunday night..... STILL..... waiting at church for Joe to be done with this "Fantasy Football Draft". I am so excited for him... hanging with the guys, talking about the "real important stuff" ;-) Even though I feel like I just need to passout on my bed for like 10 years! :-)
This weekend was so bitter sweet. The trial with my sister took us (family) all for a spin, but spending the few moments serving her like I could was such a blessing, and so refreshing. Thanks Heather ;-) I LOVE YOU!!!!!
And on the last note.... what it is about the cool breeze that signals the fall season, the excitement of school events, and the buying of notebooks/pencils/folders/binders etc..... that gives me such a thrill? I have to say...... I CANT WAIT!!!! :-)
Until next time :-)
This weekend was so bitter sweet. The trial with my sister took us (family) all for a spin, but spending the few moments serving her like I could was such a blessing, and so refreshing. Thanks Heather ;-) I LOVE YOU!!!!!
And on the last note.... what it is about the cool breeze that signals the fall season, the excitement of school events, and the buying of notebooks/pencils/folders/binders etc..... that gives me such a thrill? I have to say...... I CANT WAIT!!!! :-)
Until next time :-)
"God made me do it"..
Yes, that is right..... God has made me "slow down" a bit. So that I might update this blog.. :-)
FINALLY! I have been going, going, going. With a week meeting in PA and then VBS at Beacon the next week, and through it all trying to move into our apartment.... that's right I said our apartment.. :-) It has been nice to set up home. It's like a breath of fresh air with lots of work involved. So then this week my old job called me back in desperation needing part-time "help" for this week. So being stuck at a computer I am "forced" to update my blog... hehe :-) Life seems just so busy lately, I can't imagine doing this with kids. I'm sure I would have to slow down and give up a handful of stuff... which would so totally be worth it :-) Well hopefully from now on I can immerse myself back into the blog world... :-)
FINALLY! I have been going, going, going. With a week meeting in PA and then VBS at Beacon the next week, and through it all trying to move into our apartment.... that's right I said our apartment.. :-) It has been nice to set up home. It's like a breath of fresh air with lots of work involved. So then this week my old job called me back in desperation needing part-time "help" for this week. So being stuck at a computer I am "forced" to update my blog... hehe :-) Life seems just so busy lately, I can't imagine doing this with kids. I'm sure I would have to slow down and give up a handful of stuff... which would so totally be worth it :-) Well hopefully from now on I can immerse myself back into the blog world... :-)
Been A While....
It has been so long since I have last updated. So many things that have happened. Churches have been visited, time with family has been spent, and "wars" have been raging. But through it all God has been so good and faithful.
My "little" sister is pregnant.... YEAY sister. She is due Feb. 20th. We are praying that everything goes well with her pregnancy. This has been long awaited for her, and I am so excited for her.... she is gleaming. :-)
Hopefully soon Joe and I will be making a "change" in our lives. This has not been easy at all since it has all started but hopefully it will be over soon.... more to come.
Such a short post for so much time... hopefully soon more will come. :-)
It may be that the Lord will look on my affliction,
and that the Lord will repay me with good for his cursing.
- 2 Samuel 16:12
Each day we learn from yesterday
Of God’s great love and care;
And every burden we must face
He’ll surely help us bear.
- D. De Haan
It takes the storm to prove the real shelter.
Donkey Mentality...
A minister referred to Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and asked: "What if the donkey on which Jesus was riding had thought all the cheering was for him? What if that small animal had believed that the hosannas and the branches were in his honor?"
The minister then pointed to himself and said: "I'm a donkey. The longer I'm here the more you’ll come to realize that. I am only a Christ-bearer and not the object of praise."
In recording Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, Matthew referred to the prophecy of Zechariah: "Tell the daughter of Zion, 'Behold, your King is coming to you, lowly, and sitting on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey'" (Matthew 21:5; see Zechariah 9:9).
On Palm Sunday, the donkey was merely a Christ-bearer, bringing the Son of God into the city where He would give His life for the sins of the world.
If we could develop a healthy "donkey mentality," what an asset that would be as we travel the road of life. Instead of wondering what people think of us, our concern would be, "Can they see Christ Jesus, the King?" Rather than seeking credit for service rendered, we would be content to lift up the Lord.
O what can I give to the Master,
The One who from sin set me free?
I’ll give Him a lifetime of service
To thank Him for dying for me.
- K. De Haan
A Christian’s life is a window through which others can see Jesus.
I think this says it all......
God's Grace....
A sinus infection.... yup that is what I have. But I have so much unspeakable joy. You would ask, why Heidi why so much joy when you feel as though you are going to die :-)
Well let me tell you...
We have no insurance, so as you can image going to the Doctor's was not on the top of my list. So I prayed, and prayed, and prayed. And lo and behold He did it again, showed me what His grace is all about. The Dr. only charged me the minimum amount, gave me samples, and wrote a perscription that only costed 18 dollars. I'm still smiling about it. He is such a great God.
Well let me tell you...
We have no insurance, so as you can image going to the Doctor's was not on the top of my list. So I prayed, and prayed, and prayed. And lo and behold He did it again, showed me what His grace is all about. The Dr. only charged me the minimum amount, gave me samples, and wrote a perscription that only costed 18 dollars. I'm still smiling about it. He is such a great God.
The Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will
He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
- Psalm 84:11
He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
- Psalm 84:11
When all my labors and trials are o'er,
And I am safe on that beautiful shore,
Just to be near the dear Lord I adore
Will through the ages be glory for me. - Gabriel
God gives grace for this life and glory in the life to come.
One of the Most...
annoying things is entering into your first day of no more work, and being horribly sick. My sister can attest to that.
Oh yes, today is my first day "off"! Well, off from secular work that is, and I have a sinus infection.. yippie :-) I was so excited to go to bed last night realizing all of the things I could do today, and because of my "sickness" I got 3 hours of sleep! I think it is just God's reminder that nothing is easy, that is why we lean on Him. Praise the Lord, though, that I am still at church today and plan on getting some things done :-) I love the Lord. He is so good!
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord....The Lord God is my strength. - Habakkuk 3:18-19
Oh yes, today is my first day "off"! Well, off from secular work that is, and I have a sinus infection.. yippie :-) I was so excited to go to bed last night realizing all of the things I could do today, and because of my "sickness" I got 3 hours of sleep! I think it is just God's reminder that nothing is easy, that is why we lean on Him. Praise the Lord, though, that I am still at church today and plan on getting some things done :-) I love the Lord. He is so good!
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord....The Lord God is my strength. - Habakkuk 3:18-19
Why must I bear this pain? I cannot tell;
I only know my Lord does all things well.
And so I trust in God, my all in all,
For He will bring me through, whate’er befall. - Smith
God tries our faith so that we may try His faithfulness.
A Little More Time...
I have found some time to catch up.... "some time" I use that word loosely :-) Our "Vacation" was wonderful. We went to Lancaster PA and spent a good couple of days without "distractions". We went to a production that Sight and Sound puts on called The Pslams of David. It was like a 2 hour worship session that we ALL were a part of. How blessed I hope my Lord was. After that a Seminar followed given by Linda Dillow. It was a great time. Then we headed back home into the buisiness of life once again :-) It is fun!
TODAY IS OUR ANNIVERSARY! It has been a wonderful and growing 3 years of marriage and 6 years together. To God be the glory!!!
More to come as always... Have a great day everyone!
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord....The Lord God is my strength. - Habakkuk 3:18-19
TODAY IS OUR ANNIVERSARY! It has been a wonderful and growing 3 years of marriage and 6 years together. To God be the glory!!!
More to come as always... Have a great day everyone!
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord....The Lord God is my strength. - Habakkuk 3:18-19
The Wish of More Time...
Oh how, I wish I had more time to write about life. Our "vacation" was wonderful, and so was the seminar..... more to come....
So Busy....
I have to admit. I love being busy. But I do hate when there is not enough time for family and friends. But I feel wanted, and fullfilled when I am busy. :-) This month brings work to an end and a load of ministry :-) Yeay!
But I am so excited and passionate about learning the word of God after this weekend. I attended a two day seminar on precept Bible studies. Learning how to do an Inductive Bible study..... WOW. It was so amazing to see what you find in scripture when this method is applied... very exciting!!
This week brings work (training my replacement), Bible study, A ladies event meeting, laundry, and packing for.... VACATION!
Which by the way.... my replacement.... is someone from my church. I want to cry everytime I think about my prayer being answered. My desire was for someone to continue the witness that I pray I have been leaving, and praise the Lord, a great woman of God from my church got my job :-)
Anyhow.... more to write later :-)
But I am so excited and passionate about learning the word of God after this weekend. I attended a two day seminar on precept Bible studies. Learning how to do an Inductive Bible study..... WOW. It was so amazing to see what you find in scripture when this method is applied... very exciting!!
This week brings work (training my replacement), Bible study, A ladies event meeting, laundry, and packing for.... VACATION!
Which by the way.... my replacement.... is someone from my church. I want to cry everytime I think about my prayer being answered. My desire was for someone to continue the witness that I pray I have been leaving, and praise the Lord, a great woman of God from my church got my job :-)
Anyhow.... more to write later :-)
Well, since everybody else is doing it..... I like to follow I guess ;-)
1... Day until I get my stiches out from getting my wisdom teeth out. Finally!
2... The beautiful number of my family.... Mr. & Mrs. DePuy :-)
3... More weeks until my 3 year anniversary! To God be the glory!
4... More weeks from today until my last day of work! Well, in the workforce that is :-)
5... Months until (we are praying) Joe and I can be at 85% of our support, to attend out field-prep seminar.
6... The age Isaac with be this year. Joe's youngest brother. :-)
7... God's perfect number.
8... Months until Joe and I are hoping to go to Language School! In Costa Rica :-)
9... Days until Joe and I go on vacation! yeay :-) Were going to see a Sight & Sound Production... they are amazing!
10... Churches that Joe and I have visited, since the year started! 2 have committed to monthly support.
That was fun! Have a great day everybody :-)
1... Day until I get my stiches out from getting my wisdom teeth out. Finally!
2... The beautiful number of my family.... Mr. & Mrs. DePuy :-)
3... More weeks until my 3 year anniversary! To God be the glory!
4... More weeks from today until my last day of work! Well, in the workforce that is :-)
5... Months until (we are praying) Joe and I can be at 85% of our support, to attend out field-prep seminar.
6... The age Isaac with be this year. Joe's youngest brother. :-)
7... God's perfect number.
8... Months until Joe and I are hoping to go to Language School! In Costa Rica :-)
9... Days until Joe and I go on vacation! yeay :-) Were going to see a Sight & Sound Production... they are amazing!
10... Churches that Joe and I have visited, since the year started! 2 have committed to monthly support.
That was fun! Have a great day everybody :-)
The Lopsided Chipmunk...
Reffering to me of course. Thursday I got my right wisdom teeth "pulled" out. Yes it was hilarious as my hunny, laughed when gingerale dripped down my chin and I couldn't feel a thing!
Praise the Lord, everything went well, and Friday night I headed to Auburn with Joe to finish their mission's conference until Sunday afternoon. Yes, I too was shocked that I was eating "normal" food Friday night! And managed to attend a meeting Friday night, Sat morning, Sat night, and Sunday morning singing in the worship service. Then Sunday night to my home church for olympians. And now back to work Monday morning... Wow that was a lot to write!
GOD is so good!! More to come.....
Praise the Lord, everything went well, and Friday night I headed to Auburn with Joe to finish their mission's conference until Sunday afternoon. Yes, I too was shocked that I was eating "normal" food Friday night! And managed to attend a meeting Friday night, Sat morning, Sat night, and Sunday morning singing in the worship service. Then Sunday night to my home church for olympians. And now back to work Monday morning... Wow that was a lot to write!
GOD is so good!! More to come.....
Be True To Your Word....
More and more I am finding that your foundation is all that you have.... Letting your yes be yes and your no be no, is so crucial in today's age. Expecially when you are sharing the True Word of God....
It's important that Christians act and speak so that the Savior is glorified. When you give your word, keep it. If you make a commitment, honor it. If you take on an obligation, fulfill it. As Jesus said in Matthew 5:37, "Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes.'"
Our honesty and reliability should be so evident that we can be trusted for any contract we make. What better testimony could be said of a believer than this: "He gave his word; that's good enough for me." And if non-Christians can trust us in business matters, they are more likely to believe us when we speak about the gospel.
Uphold me in the common strife;
Give me the grace to work and plan;
And in the marketplace of life,
O keep me, Lord, an honest man.
- Bayliss
Never give your word unless you intend to keep it.
No Time or Time Wasted....
As life progresses, and I am getting older. It seems that more and more responsibilities are coming my way. I am still swaying back and forth contemplating if I am enjoying this or not. There is no time sometimes for the simple things in life, or maybe because the small times are wasted. My soul has been in it's refinement stage these last couple of weeks, and I fear that it will still continue refining this coming week. I am excited though when I see, and know that the outcome is beyond my wildest dreams..... I long to be in the glory of my Lord :-)
On the life note.... This past week was fun spending time with family in North Carolina. Going to the Zoo, and best of all shopping :-) But the most exciting thing of all was bringing my "mysterious guest". My sister, Heather came with me to visit our family. It was priceless, to see the shock and joy on everyone's face, when they realized she came too! I can't wait to do it again* :-)
This week brings busyness once again. Work began again this morning, and a missions conference will fill up the rest of the time. Exciting but a struggle while working full time. But Praise the Lord, this too shall pass. My last day will be May 31st :-)
More to come.... Hopefully later.....
Every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor,
it is the gift of God.
Ecclesiastes 3:13
If you want to leave footprints in the sands of time, wear work shoes.
The Glorious Sunset...
I read the daily bread today and it talked about "The Glorious Sunset". The time when life continues and suddenly you find yourself to be at an old age. They described it as this...
At evening time it shall happen that it will be light.
- Zechariah 14:7
You cannot escape the advancing years. Youth stays long enough only to strengthen our shoulders for the burdens ahead. Life leads inevitably to the evening time. But the best things are the oldest things-things that have endured and stood the test of time. God Himself—though not bound by time-is called the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:9).
I was so encouraged as I read this. Although I know that Joe and I have much to go through, I am excited about taking each day knowing that Old age is not something to be feared. I have been reminded of this very thing over the past couple of days.
Joe and I since Friday evening have been attending a mission's conference in Scipio NY. It is a small community church with many "young at heart" in attendance. We have been able to spend a lot of time with them for dinners and such, and I am so blessed by their wisdom and knowledge. I just wish I had days to talk with them about their experiences and faith.
Praise the Lord for each stage of life!!!!
So I journey with rejoicing
Toward the city of God's light,
While each day my joy is deeper,
And the pathway grows more bright. - Hoffman
The Epidemic...
I love learning things about people, wether you know them or not. So, realizing this has now become an epidemic, I have decided to "join the bandwagon"....
- I hate my new hair cut. I feel like a little girl
- I'm excited that I have collectivly lost also 15 pounds and still working on it.
- Hopefully I will go to part-time at my job starting in May and then end totally on May 31st. I am very excited about this
- I am becoming a crazy neat person, which my husband is absolutely loving of course.
- I am craving to light candles, but have no home to do so
- I get to see my family in 12 days! In which I am very excited but said that my sister can not come with me, since I am not so much a momma's girl.
- I am obsessed with Suduko, I can't help it the numbers have to go somewhere :-)
- I love bible study so much that I go to two of them a week, and am study proverbs with a great lady in our church on top of that.. hehe
- Joe and I are finally going to get a REAL car soon. This will be our 10th car since 2000. Yeah enough said :-)
- I love my sister very much and glad reading hers prompted me to do this... :-)
"and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds" - Hebrews 10:24
Always Awake...
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone,
O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
- Psalm 4:8
A mother and her 4-year-old daughter were preparing for bed. The child was afraid of the dark. When the lights were turned off, the girl noticed the moon shining through the window. "Mommy," she asked, "is that God's light up there?" "Yes, it is," came the reply. Soon another question: "Will He put it out and go to sleep too?" "Oh no, He never goes to sleep." After a few silent moments, the little girl said, "As long as God is awake, I'm not scared." Realizing that the Lord would be watching over her, the reassured child soon fell into a peaceful sleep.
In His care confiding
I will sweetly sleep,
For the Lord my Savior
Will in safety keep. - Psalter
If you have trouble getting to sleep, try resting in the Lord.
The Struggles that Refine....
Well, what do I say, I am surprised, not at all.....
Joe and I headed to Michigan on Thursday very excited for a long road trip and much talking. But as we reach half way into Canada. Our peace was broken by "that noise again". Before we left we had our car fixed because it was running really rough, and of course that didn't fix it. Being in Canada we were kind of trapped, so across the border we pushed the car to drive another 2 hours before being looked at. Praise the Lord that we were able to have it looked at right away and headed to our hotel. What a blessing in disguises it was that Joe and I spent a night in a very nice hotel! But came the next day driving to our destination another 40 minutes away and the "problem" came back. So finding another "car doctor" they did what they could but told us that this was ONLY and temporary fix to get us across Canada and back to Syracuse. But Praise the Lord we made it home safely Saturday night and we were able to go to our home church on Sunday. Where we spent ALL day at church preparing for a get together on Wednesday.
Oh so much to go through, so much stress, and so much blessings. But I am very thankful for my struggles. As pastor preached Sunday morning.....
Joe and I headed to Michigan on Thursday very excited for a long road trip and much talking. But as we reach half way into Canada. Our peace was broken by "that noise again". Before we left we had our car fixed because it was running really rough, and of course that didn't fix it. Being in Canada we were kind of trapped, so across the border we pushed the car to drive another 2 hours before being looked at. Praise the Lord that we were able to have it looked at right away and headed to our hotel. What a blessing in disguises it was that Joe and I spent a night in a very nice hotel! But came the next day driving to our destination another 40 minutes away and the "problem" came back. So finding another "car doctor" they did what they could but told us that this was ONLY and temporary fix to get us across Canada and back to Syracuse. But Praise the Lord we made it home safely Saturday night and we were able to go to our home church on Sunday. Where we spent ALL day at church preparing for a get together on Wednesday.
Oh so much to go through, so much stress, and so much blessings. But I am very thankful for my struggles. As pastor preached Sunday morning.....
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort. "
- 2 Corinthians 1 :3-7
May I be refined
Divine Interruptions...
A certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. - Luke 10:33
God's will comes to us in strange ways, often in the form of interruptions. Just when we think our duties are done for the day and we've settled in for a quiet evening at home, someone calls on the telephone or shows up on our doorstep asking for our time. "Are you busy?" they ask.
The best thing to do is to stop looking at these intrusions as interruptions. Instead, we should take them as opportunities that God is sending us to serve those in need—to listen well, to show love, to help them on their journey toward intimacy with God.
The best thing to do is to stop looking at these intrusions as interruptions. Instead, we should take them as opportunities that God is sending us to serve those in need—to listen well, to show love, to help them on their journey toward intimacy with God.
One early Christian writer, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, said, "Love is the duty of the present moment." No matter what else we may have planned, love is our duty.
"Who is my neighbor?" I ask. Jesus answers, "The person in need I'm sending your way."
"Who is my neighbor?" I ask. Jesus answers, "The person in need I'm sending your way."
- David Roper
Lord, if I'm feeling rushed today,I
need your eyes to help me see
That when an interruption comes
It is an opportunity. - Sper
An interruption may be a divine appointment.
Staying in the Sunshine...
I admit, I miss the sunshine. I am teased by the shortness of sun and the forth coming of the cold and snow. Why do I live here? Is what I often hear myself saying. But reading a miscellaneous daily bread today I realized that I can always be in the sunshine.....
In his book The Best Is Yet To Be, Henry Durbanville told the story of a little girl in London who won a prize at a flower show. Her entry was grown in an old cracked teapot and had been placed in the attic window of a rundown tenement house. When someone asked how she managed to raise such a lovely flower in such an unlikely environment, she said she moved it around so it would always be in the sunlight
"As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love" (John 15:9).
We abide in Christ's love when we show love to others. Jesus made this clear when He said, "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love . . . . This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends" (vv.10,12-13).
We feel the warmth of Christ's love when we obey His commandment to love and serve others. That's the way to stay in the sunshine.
-Richard De Haan
Our love for God is seen in our love for others.
God is in Control....
Wow, what a weekend. Joe and I were able to spend time with good friends that we haven't seen in a while. They have a "soon to be" 2 year old, 1 year old, and another baby on the way. It was so refreshing to play with their girls. At first going there I thought, oh no, what if I get really discouraged, after 3 years of marriage not having any children. But no way, I had a great time and learned more and more that God is in Control, and He has a perfect time or way for whatever is to come.
I just have to praise the Lord, because so many BAD things are happening lately and I am becoming more and more joyful as they happen. I am just so amazed at this. Usually I freak out, break down crying, and have a hissy fit. But not this time, I kinda like it :-) PRAISE THE LORD!!!
"..who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer."
- 2 Corinthians 1:4-6
A Roller Coster of Thoughts.....
*I know to some, this may sound a little weird :-) but I can see myself growing, growing in my fruit. For example, dummy me, forgot that 24 (my alltime, most favorite show, thanks to my sister) started at 8pm and was a 2 hour special. Now back in the day ;-) I would have freaked out. Cause come on now, I missed my most favorite show, but tonight as I sighed, I immediatly moved on and now wait until next Monday when I can be entranced once again.
So again I state, that may have sounded wierd, but I am really excited that God comes first!!!
*So, in normal life..... :-) I am still working full time, which is hard for me for many reasons. But God knows the timing that we will head to Mexico and I just need to wait. Only 4 little letters that are just so big :-)
*I am so hyper but it is late I must go to bed..... more to come!!!
So again I state, that may have sounded wierd, but I am really excited that God comes first!!!
*So, in normal life..... :-) I am still working full time, which is hard for me for many reasons. But God knows the timing that we will head to Mexico and I just need to wait. Only 4 little letters that are just so big :-)
*I am so hyper but it is late I must go to bed..... more to come!!!
The Refining of My Soul....
I hate the days that everything in the world goes wrong, just so that we can be tested. I mean I thought sitting in a hard metal/wooden chair to take a multiple choice test that I didn't study for was hard. Yeah, I see it differently now. I would much rather take multiple choice tests that the ones life gives us.
The blessings and rewards that flow when you know that you have obeyed, is one of the most amazing moments ever! :-)
Yeah so I had a hard day yesterday, but to GOD be the glory......
"We all, ... beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image" - 2 Corinthians 3:18
Difficulties of life are to make us better... not bitter
Memories of the Past....
My weekend was amazing. Joe and I had a mission's conference to go to in Binghamton. It was great to relive my memories of the past. Spending most of the day with old friends began stirring up feelings that I had been longing for. We got to visit our "youth group" at Grace on Wednesday and Just as I expected I got to hear the wonderful screams of Betsy welcoming me "home". It was amazing to see the youth painting the youth center. It looks awesome!!! Then for the rest of our days, we headed back and for from the cafe to our missions conference. We stay we the Bleuer's and we are totally and completely blessed. They are the most amazing couple. And I was even able to spend a night with "the girls" I LOVE THEM!!!! Thank you God for the great Memories of the Past.
"Friends are friends forever, if the Lord is the Lord of themAnd a friend will not say never, cause the welcome will not endThough it's hard to let you goIn the Father's hands I knowThat a lifetime's not too long... to live as friends."
Willing To Share....
My heartbeat since obey the Lord and heading into missions is being willing to share. Not just the gospel but my heart for the ministry. To see a life converted or to see a life blessed and grow is an amazing feeling that is so hard to explain.
Today is my last day of work this week!!!! yeay. Joe and I leave to head to our old stepping grounds.... Binghamton. It will be nice to be back for a little while, even though we will be swapped with a missions conference. :-) We will share our ministry and our burden and hopefully encourage and bless as many people as possible. What a great God we serve. :-)
Love is giving for the world's needs,
Love is sharing as the Spirit leads,
Love is caring when the world cries,
Love is compassion with Christlike eyes.
" Be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share" - 1 Timothy 6:18
Be Still And Know
Something I am learning each day is to be silent, not just in my daily devotions, but when all of like seems to be chaotic I need to be calm. I need take "baby steps" to the finish line. And give God ALL the glory before, during, and after.....
Take time to be holy, the world rushes on; spend much time in secret with Jesus alone!
" Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted on the earth!" - Psalm 46:10
Spending quiet time with God will bring quiet rest from God
A Relaxing Weekend....
Words I never thought I would understand again finally rang true to me this weekend.
As the Olympics began I was able to watch the start of them. A little disappointed that Mexico was not competing, none the less it was amazing to watch the beginning.
Sunday we were able to go to our sending church Beacon. It was nice to be back 'home' again. :-)
So my week begins 'somewhat' relaxed. Walking into work I was faced with our office reconfiguration and way to much testosterone!! And the words from my Doctor "call back tomorrow for your results" But I rejoice, knowing that it is for a season and may my LORD be glorified. :-)
As the Olympics began I was able to watch the start of them. A little disappointed that Mexico was not competing, none the less it was amazing to watch the beginning.
Sunday we were able to go to our sending church Beacon. It was nice to be back 'home' again. :-)
So my week begins 'somewhat' relaxed. Walking into work I was faced with our office reconfiguration and way to much testosterone!! And the words from my Doctor "call back tomorrow for your results" But I rejoice, knowing that it is for a season and may my LORD be glorified. :-)
The Brighter Side....
Winter is not over. Is all I can say, it was amazing to wake up to a pure white world, and I began thinking, through all of the Business of life, trials, and pre-field ministry. I am beginning to melt into madness. I know God is big enough, I know He loves enough, and I know that He is soveriegn over ALL things. But there are times when the words can not penitrate the iron spirit.
Then there are times, when a little, simple, and quite voice really gets your attention.
In this case mine came from the famous bear......
"It's snowing still. And freezing. However, we haven't had an earthquake lately."
- Winnie-the-Pooh
So my thought process begins to align with Mr. Pooh Bear...... I will see the brighter side of things!
"We all,... beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image." - 2 Corinthians 3:18
The difficulties of life are to make us better - not bitter!
The Joy of a Day Off....
Oh yes that's right.... I played hooky yesterday.... and the great part is ..... I GOT PAID FOR IT. :-) This week is tax free week... so what else would I do with my hooky day other than go shopping... And boy did I shop :-)
I love days like that and I can't wait for the day that my days will be full of ministry work, instead of insurance....
But until then.... Bring on the hooky days :-)
I love days like that and I can't wait for the day that my days will be full of ministry work, instead of insurance....
But until then.... Bring on the hooky days :-)
Only by God's Strength....
Only by God's strength..... will I be able to face today.
Only by God's strength..... will I be able to stand today.
Only by God's strength..... will I be able to smile today.
and Only by God's strength..... will I be able to live today.
It's just one of those emotional days today. Nothing really is world chattering. Just a very sour day.
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him." - Psalm 28:7
Only by God's strength..... will I be able to stand today.
Only by God's strength..... will I be able to smile today.
and Only by God's strength..... will I be able to live today.
It's just one of those emotional days today. Nothing really is world chattering. Just a very sour day.
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him." - Psalm 28:7
And It Was So.....
No matter what may come to pass,
God's precious Word still stands,
This universe is held intact
Within His mighty hands.
God said it. I believe it. That settles it.
God's precious Word still stands,
This universe is held intact
Within His mighty hands.
God said it. I believe it. That settles it.
The one word that describes the whole weekend. What an awesome time Joe and I had though. Friday at 5pm we left our church with 31 youth kids headed for snow camp. Friday night was introduction time, dinner, chapel, games, and LATE night discussions. Saturday was a non-stop day.... Breakfast, Chapel, Snow sculptures, winter games, hiking, tubing, dinner, skits, chapel, games, and more LATE night discussions. Sunday we had breakfast and packed up to head to church just in time for service.
Then Joe and I headed over to Amour of Light Baptist church in Victory, NY to present our ministry. After that we headed over to the pastor's house and had dinner with them. We finally got home at 11pm unpacked got ready for the next day and was in bed by midnight... huhhhh.
But as exhausting as it was Blessings and rewards overflowed from minsitry and I wouldn't trade it for the world! :-)
" I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." - 2 Timothy 4:7
To get the most out of life, make every moment count for Christ.
Then Joe and I headed over to Amour of Light Baptist church in Victory, NY to present our ministry. After that we headed over to the pastor's house and had dinner with them. We finally got home at 11pm unpacked got ready for the next day and was in bed by midnight... huhhhh.
But as exhausting as it was Blessings and rewards overflowed from minsitry and I wouldn't trade it for the world! :-)
" I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." - 2 Timothy 4:7
To get the most out of life, make every moment count for Christ.
A Fulfilling Weekend...
A Crazy, but fulfilling weekend. Friday and Saturday was full of preperation for Sunday presenting at a new church. We presented, I sang, and then taught Jr. Church. Joe and I felt good leaving there yesterday. Support from this church is not off in the far distant, I can practically taste it. Yeay!!!!
There is something about being in your home church that is just a great and wonderful feeling. Sunday night came with "more" teaching at Olympians and then FINALLY, the 2 hours I have been waiting for.......
24 has fulfill all my expectations....... and that is all I'm going to say about that ;-)
There is something about being in your home church that is just a great and wonderful feeling. Sunday night came with "more" teaching at Olympians and then FINALLY, the 2 hours I have been waiting for.......
24 has fulfill all my expectations....... and that is all I'm going to say about that ;-)
These letters have so many memories behind them.....
School is out and pizza is on it's way, bellies are stuffed with the plump breadsticks and the cheesy sauce. The TV is turned on and laughs are outpouring from our 4 favorite T.G.I.F. shows.....
A run is made to Mcydee's or Burger King and then headed to the "annex", friendships grow closer, memories are made, and laughter is to it's fullest.......
Work is done, the drive home is short, and preperation is made for visiting a church on Sunday....
How many different awesome memories these 4 letters have had over the years........
School is out and pizza is on it's way, bellies are stuffed with the plump breadsticks and the cheesy sauce. The TV is turned on and laughs are outpouring from our 4 favorite T.G.I.F. shows.....
A run is made to Mcydee's or Burger King and then headed to the "annex", friendships grow closer, memories are made, and laughter is to it's fullest.......
Work is done, the drive home is short, and preperation is made for visiting a church on Sunday....
How many different awesome memories these 4 letters have had over the years........
That Rekindling Feeling.....

Yesterday, As I sat in a slump moment at work, I begin filling up my time, until 5pm when I can be gone for the day, with surfing any xanga/blog/myspace I can find. And what is this that I see..........
I was playing around on all my different sites that I am hooked up to and found lots of friends that I couldn't keep in touch with. I almost started crying. Yeah yeah, I know I'm a sap but how exciting it is when you have found people that you got so close to at one time and when you moved you lost touch, to be able to find them and talk to them again. YEAY for the internet!!!!!!!
Welcome Each Day As A Gift From God....
Go, Go, Go.....
"On the Road again" is mine and Joe's life slogan. Of course the year is started off with excitement and craziness.
This Sunday we visited a church to share out mission's burden for the first time in 3 months. It was nice to get back into the swing of things and this church is now seriously considering supporting us. YEAY!!
Now our months begin to follow with Youth Group, Choir, Pre-field, Women's Ministries, Early Married Years group, Bible Studies and Children's Ministries. It may sound like a lot but oh how wonderful it is to serve the Lord.....
"We are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:9
"Apart from Me, you can do nothing" - Jesus
This Sunday we visited a church to share out mission's burden for the first time in 3 months. It was nice to get back into the swing of things and this church is now seriously considering supporting us. YEAY!!
Now our months begin to follow with Youth Group, Choir, Pre-field, Women's Ministries, Early Married Years group, Bible Studies and Children's Ministries. It may sound like a lot but oh how wonderful it is to serve the Lord.....
"We are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:9
"Apart from Me, you can do nothing" - Jesus
The End of a Time..... The Beginning of Memories
I am home in Syracuse New York now. It was hard to say goodbye to my family in NC on Tuesday morning. But I know that many more trips are to come with many more memories... Today is a not good day for Heidi. I feel pretty nasty so I will have to add in all the details another day.....
I hope new years went well for all..... :-)
I hope new years went well for all..... :-)
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